Cultural Promotion and Social Affairs
Social commitment
As an attractive employer in the region of South Hesse, the company is very much aware of its social responsibility and therefore engages in a variety of social and sponsorship activities.
Some of these social projects are initiated and implemented by the company Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie GmbH itself, others are organized together with partners from research and industry. Here are some examples of institutions, associations and initiatives supported by us:
- Doctors Without Borders Berlin
- The organisation for disabled people’s aid Bergstraße charitable GmbH (BHB) in Bensheim
- The annual Reading Festival in Bensheim
- The Fund of pharmaceutical companies
- Team Bensheim – Tour of Hope® e.V. (Tour der Hoffnung® e.V.) (… rides for children with cancer)
- Association of German Children’s Heart Centers (Fördergemeinschaft Deutsche Kinderherzzentren e.V.), Bonn
- Friends of the Alsbach/Bergstraße Volunteer Fire Brigade

Promoting creativity and cultural activities
For many years now, the company has been supporting and promoting cultural initiatives and institutions as well as cultural professionals and their projects in the fields of art, performing arts, music, photography, film, literature, design and architecture.
Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie GmbH
Phone. +49 6251 1083-0 | Fax +49 6251 1083-146 |
Contact for reporting adverse events:
QPPV- Phone +49 (0)6251 1083-100 |
Contact for reporting issues – Whistleblower Protection System:
Phone. +49 (0)69 1532245-13 | | Elektronisches Hinweisgebersystem