Our products at a glance
Specialised in organ-protective solutions, preparations for intensive care, dyes and contrast agents, antidotes as well as diagnostics, our portfolio includes highly specialised niche products that require many years of know-how and a very high level of responsibility.
BLOOD CARDIOPLEGY according to Buckberg
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Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie GmbH
Phone. +49 6251 1083-0 | Fax +49 6251 1083-146 | info@koehler-chemie.de
Contact for reporting adverse events:
QPPV- Phone +49 (0)6251 1083-100 | pharmacovigilance@koehler-chemie.de
Contact for reporting issues – Whistleblower Protection System:
Phone. +49 (0)69 1532245-13 | dfkc.ombudsperson@catuslaw.com | Elektronisches Hinweisgebersystem